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When their voice starts sounding more like a girls than a guys, then their voice starts to sound gay.

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Q: What makes a guy's voice sound gay?
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Why does freds voice sound gay?

I think it's a special program he used to make his voice sound higher pitched.

Why do gay guys have a squeaky voice?

It is a stereotype that gay men have a "squeaky" or effeminate voice, but this is not true for everyone. Voice pitch is determined by various factors including genetics, hormones, and environmental influences, not sexual orientation. It's important to understand that vocal characteristics do not define a person's sexual orientation.

What does Kevin Jonas' voice sound like?

kinda gay but he can sing.

When boys sound gay are they really gay?

Not necessarily. They may just have a high pitched voice which they have no control over.

Why do gay guys have a high pitched vioce?

Gay guys do not have a high pitched voice any more than straight guys do. The tone of one's voice is not related to one's sexual orientation. I am gay and sing bass in a chorus. I know a straight man who is frequently called Ma'am on the phone. You may be talking about some gay men speaking in an effeminate manner. This is learned behaviour and most gay men do not speak that way.

Why do gay people sound weird when they talk?

There is no single way that gay people sound when they talk, as speech patterns can vary greatly among individuals. Stereotypes about speech patterns are not reflective of all gay individuals. It is important to avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes and instead focus on listening to and understanding each individual for who they are.

Is love gay?

It is very inappropriate to use the word "gay" to mean "stupid". It makes you sound ignorant and homophobic.

Why do wizard101 people think its gay?

I'm pretty sure it's because of the commercails. The sound of merle's voice just makes it seem like a little kid's game. And the fact that it is a 10+ game.

Can guys date gay guys?

If they're gay, then sure, why not?

Is guys that say you guess gay?

No. Only guys who are sexually attracted to other guys are gay.

Are the guys in botdf gay?

JJay Monroe is gay. Dahvie Vanity is bi, but he only makes out with JJay to make girls go wild in concerts :)

Can guys have best friend guys and not be gay?

Of course. Some guys are closer to other guys than they are with their girlfriends and are not gay.