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On this classic country singers page you'll find links to song lyrics coverering artists from A-H, tutorials and eventually my covers on these many male country western singers, country female singers and just plain old country singers in general. Over time, as I develop more lyrics and tutorials for some of the artists below, they will be moved from this page onto the main menu.

I will also be including lots of videos of all of these classic country singers to showcase some unique footage that you may not have had the time to research and explore. Over the next several weeks and months, there will be many more resources added here.

Folks have requested many songs they'd like to learn so I have a huge list of country songs to work on. Once I get the lyrics pages in place on my other sites, I'll have more time to dedicate to producing cover and tutorials so I can help you learn to play your favorite songs from these and other classic country singers.

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Q: What male country singer used to sing at pageants?
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