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D sharp and E flat

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Q: What note is a semitone above d?
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Is F sharp a tone or a semitone above F?

Any note which has the word 'sharp' in it is always a semitone above the given note.

What note that is a semitone is above c on the piano?


What is a semitone note?

It is a note a half step above or below the original note (a sharp or flat).

What is the musical term for short and sharp?

In Music, a sharp is a symbol indicating the note is to be raised by one semitone. for example: A-sharp (A#) is the note one semitone (or one half-step) above A.

What is the diatonic semitone above c flat?

c flat. the semitone above b flat is b, with is equal to c flat. So the diatonic semitone is c flat because it has to be a different note name.

Which note is raised a semitone in a harmonic minor scale?

The 7th note (leading note) is raised by a semitone in a harmonic minor scale.

Would D and C be a semitone?

C-sharp to D, or C to D-flat would be a semitone.

Is d to d sharp a semitone or a tone apart?

It's one half-step, or one semitone.

What is a semitone?

It is half a note in pitch

What are Tones and semitone?

Tone and semitone are two words to describe differences in pitch between two notes. A semitone is the difference between F and F#, that is, only a bit. A tone is the difference between F and G, twice as much as a semitone.

What lower the pitch by a half step?

A flat (♭) lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone (half-step). A sharp (#) raises the pitch of a note by a semitone. Naturals cancel out sharps or flats that apply to notes and make them their usual pitch (♮).

What is the name of the note a semitone below a?
