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It's probably fine for healthy individuals, at least for short term. Hospitals have patients on 100% oxygen all the time. Your lungs only take as much as your blood can absorb. Any more than that would be exhaled. Patient with COPD may have problem with pure 100% oxygen because your respiratory drive depends on CO2 levels.

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Q: What percentage of oxygen will cause death?
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Lack of oxygen to the brain. This is actually the only cause of death for beavers and all other oxygen breathing animals.

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Yes, this is called suffocation.

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it could cause brain damage and eventually death in humans and animals.

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The ultimate cause of death for every mammal is failure to get oxygen to the brain.

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The percentage of oxygen in sucrose is 51,41549 %.

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Well, when drowning, the lungs are being filled with water. This water replaces the necessary oxygen to keep you alive. If you take no breath, all the oxygen is used up and without oxygen...death. Hope this helps. :)

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If you can't breathe or get enough oxygen into your system, you tend to die.

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Saturated percentage of oxygen (SpO2) is a measurement of oxygen levels in the blood

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