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Q: What pitch is the violin instrument best known?
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What instrument does Anne Sophie Mutter play?

She's best known for playing violin, but also plays other instruments.

Is the best orchestra instrument violin or piano?

It's the violin, piano is rarely used in orchestra pieces.

What is the best instruments flute of violin?

The violin is a harder instrument to master than the flute. Both can be beautiful. It is also good to learn a lesser used instrument such as a bassoon or viola.

What is the most popular string instrument?

Simple. The answer is a violin or fiddle. The violin is a hard and a challenging instrument to play but as soon as you learned how to play it, you will realized it is the best instrument to play.

What instrument was js bach best known for playing?

Bach was a profound organist of his time. He was fluent in playing the harpsichord. His father taught him to play the violin, where he learned clavichord from his brother.

What was john tyler known for?

best known for his violin playing and his love for others! :) And being a lawyer.

Which instrument is sometimes used by a symphony orchestra to set the pitch for the other instruments in the orchestra?

Orchestras are usually tuned to an oboe. The open note, (that is, the note an oboe plays without any fingering), is an A, and the orchestra tunes best to that note. When a piano is featured as solo instrument, the orchestra tunes to the A of the piano, because it's easier for them to adjust their pitch than for the piano.

Which instrument was considered the best Romantic instrument because of its capacity for expression and varying dynamics?

I'd say the violin. You hear sayings such as: "World's smallest violin." The violin has that tug on the emotions... It's unstable too.. teetering on each note... But you can stabilize the emotion by holding it longer.. I play piano, but I really like the violin for it being able to stand alone (along with other violins) lol.

Is the violin the best instrument in the world?

It depends by what you mean as 'the best'. All instruments have their pros and cons to them. For example, the violin has a very beautiful sound when played well, but it takes many years of hard work to make it sound good- you have to learn the techniques, and the tunig- it all takes a lot of time and work. No instrument is 'better' than another- it is merely different. Instrument A will be more skilled than instrument B in one area, but B might be better in another. It's all a matter of opinion.

Is a viola higher or lower than a violin?

I play the viola, and it is lower than the violin. It has four strings like a violin, but on the violin, the strings are G, D, A, and E. On the viola, the strings are C, G, D, and A. So the viola can do four notes lower than the violin. I prefer the tone on the viola to the violin. It is also a bigger instrument than a violin, even though it is held the same way. If you are wondering whether to switch from the violin to the viola, you definitely should, in my opinion. It was one of the best things I did musically! The viola is better :)

What is the best electric violin in the world?

the c-violin

Where can one buy a violin bass?

The best place to check for any instrument, including a violin bass, would be your local music shop. They have great selections when it comes to many instruments, and even if they don't have one, they will be able to direct you to someone or somewhere where you can!