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Prayers - Evening - Mariv for the begining of Shabbat, morning - Shacharit, additional, Musaff and Mincha - miday are said from the Siddur - prayer book.

Shacharit starts with preliminary prayers on rising the first being Modei Ani - giving thanks for restoring one's soul, washing the hands for sanctification and rolls through prayers of praise for G-d, the pre-amble to the Shema - the proclimation of G-d being one, the silent prayer - the Amidah - were eighteen individual prayers are said in silence to G-d, the verbal repetition, the reading of the weekly portion of the Torah and the concluding prayers. Additional prayers are said for healing of the sick, deliverance from danger, a new life and for mourners - Kadish.

The others are more limited repetitions of the same things.

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Kabbalat Shabbat (receiving the Shabbat), Maariv (evening prayer), Shacharit (morning prayer), Mussaf, Mincha (afternoon prayer).

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Q: What prayers are said in Shabbat?
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