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There are no flats or sharps. Its relative major scale is C major, which has all of the same notes.

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Q: What sharps or flats are in A minor?
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What major key has the same number of flats and sharps as a minor?

C major and A minor both have no sharps or flats.

Number of flats in A minor?

There are no flats and no sharps in A minor

What major key has the same number of sharps as flats as the key of a minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What major key has the number of sharps and flat as the key A minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

Same number of sharps and flats as the key of A minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What major keys has the same number of sharp and flats as the key of a minor?

C Major, zero flats and zero sharps. The minor scale with the same number of flats and sharps is A Minor.

What sharps and flats are in G minor?

G minor contains two flats: B and E.

Music with no sharps or flats is written in the key of?

There's no sharps of flats in the key signature in either C major or A minor.

What are the keys in sharps and in flats?

C major (no sharps or flats)Sharp Keys:G Major/E minor (1 sharp)D Major/B minor (2 sharps)A Major/F-sharp minor (3 sharps)E Major/C-sharp minor (4 sharps)B Major/G-sharp minor (5 sharps)F-sharp Major/D-sharp minor (6 sharps)C-sharp Major/A-sharp minor (7 sharps)Flat Keys:F Major/D minor (1 flat)B-flat Major/G minor (2 flats)E-flat Major/C minor (3 flats)A-flat Major/F minor (4 flats)D-flat Major/B-flat minor (5 flats)G-flat Major/E-flat minor (6 flats)C-flat Major/A-flat minor (7 flats)These are all the possible keys you can write in, enharmonic keys are italicised.

How are the minor scales different?

Minor scales have flats and major scales have sharps.

What is key signature?

A key signature is the placement of sharps or flats at the beginning of a piece of music which determines what the key of a song is and unlike the time signature it is repeated every line; here is a list of all the possible keys you can write in:C Major/a minor (no sharps and no flats)Sharp Keys:G Major/e minor (1 sharp)D Major/b minor (2 sharps)A Major/f♯minor (3 sharps)E Major/c♯minor (4 sharps)B Major/g♯ minor (5 sharps)F♯ Major/d♯ minor (6 sharps)C♯ Major/a♯ minor (7 sharps)Flat Keys:F Major/d minor (1 flat)Bb Major/g minor (2 flats)Eb Major/c minor (3 flats)Ab Major/f minor (4 flats)Db Major/bb minor (5 flats)Gb Major/eb minor (6 flats)Cb Major/ab minor (7 flats)

What are the blaack keys on the piano called?

sharps and minors sharps and FLATS. minor is a kind of scale.