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Christmas Eve

by: Savatage

on: Dead Winter DEad

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Q: What song has no lyrics main electric guitar goes dadadada da dadadada dadada has a carlos Santana feel to it?
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What the acoustic guitar song that goes dadada dadadada da dada dadadada da da?

Shooting star I THINK

What star wars song goes da da da dadada dadada?

its The Imperial March--Darth Vader's theme

What are the tabs or chords for john bluesbreakers room to move?

near as i can tell it is back and forth between a major and g major twice then switch to d and c once then a and d once then e and d then repeat rhythm is (A) dada (G) da (A) dadada (G) dadada (A) dada (G) da (A) da same for (D) and (C) repeat with (A) and (G) then (E) is da-dadada-dada-dada-dadada same with (D) then back to (A) and (G) hope makes sense

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Of course he does why wouldn't he? He has the David Wright foundation. dadada

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banana boat dadada banana boat

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miley vacations at Hawaii you are so stupid dadada wake up hun.

What is the secret to utimate power?

everyone knows that the secret to ultimate power is..... DANCING da da da dadada da da baadadadadaddaaddadaddaddada baddadadaa dadada dadaaadada da da da da da da da are u dancing yet, if not why not ive got the music now dance

When she walks hey hey hey hey?

she shaggs a dog on the way hehehe and then she goes to the park and shaggs a duck dadada....

What is the song that goes dadada da da da da da da da dada dadada dada da It's kind of fast and has sort of a techno beat to it I think it has a squeaky voice in it too?

Da Da Da by Trio?

Who sings the da da da song as seen on YouTube by the back dorm boys?

It's a song made for an old Pepsi commercial. If you search for Pepsi - DaDaDa you'll find it. :)