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Depends what type of dance that you do. Your studio that you dance with will probably tell you. For example, for jazz, I wear a body suite, shorts, and tan dance tights. For Ballet, I wear pink dance tights with a body suite. But for almost all studios, you must have your hair back (ponytail, bun, etc...)

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Q: What to wear to dance practice?
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Just take dance practice (breakdance) and practice at home!

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safe danc e practice dance in a romm with lots of space and warm up

What do ballerinas wear on a daily bases?

if you mean what do they wear to dance in class then it would depend on which studio they go to because some studios have dress codes, and if they are actually in a dance studio paying for classes or if they are getting paid to dance. if they are getting paid to dance in a theatre they are probably going to practice dance in whatever they want(performing they will obviosly have a costume). if they are in a studio it would be pink tights, a black leotard and if its cold legwarmers and maybe a sweater or sweatshirt. if you mean everyday wear, they are mostlikely going to wear clothes just like everyone else's. they dont wear tutus to the mall! they might have some stuff that says 'dancer', or 'ballerina' though.

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NO!! In dance you usually have to wear a black leotard or what is assigned.

What do the Italians wear when they dance the tarantella?

they wear shorts