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Q: What type of metal is used in a piano?
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Related questions

What is a piano made out of?

wood. old grand piano's keys used to be made of ivory but now they can't do that so its probalby plastic. electric pianos have some metal and plasticy type stuff

What are stirngs used for on a piano?

Piano strings are actually solid metal. Inside the piano there are levers and hammers. When you push the key, a lever pushes the hammer that hits the string to produce a sound. That is why a piano is a percussion instrument.

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What type of fastener is used for assembling onsite metal ducts?

What meatls are magnetic?

a metal is a thing inside a piano that when you hit a piano key a little padded hammer strikes a metal string?

Can magnetism field work?

magnetism works by the type of metal used to pull other type metal to it.

Can piano be considered a genre?

Not really, as it can be used in everything fom symphony to Metal It's a very versatile instrument.

What is silver metal used for?

Silver is a type of metal. It is used for jewelry, utensils, coins, and much, much more!

What type of piano does Stevie Wonder play?

Stevie wonder played the piano butd people are not for sure what piano he played . i am going to research all the brands of instruments that stevie wonder used ?

What type of music is played on a piano?

piano music

What was the first type of piano to be made?

a grand piano

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