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It was Daisy Rock Guitar

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Q: What was Miley's First Guitar as a Musician?
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Who was the first musician to use a bow on the guitar?

Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin

What is a guitar rift?

A "guitar riff" is a short section that a guitar musician has produced.

What was Mileys first TV show ever?

mileys first t.v show is HANNAH MONTANA!

Which brand is mileys newest western guitar?

hey iam Miley Cyrus and i think wiki answers roks!

What was mileys first boyfriend?

Nick Jonas

Related questions

What isterment does mileys older sister play?

The guitar

What is mileys brother name who sings?

Mileys brother is named Tray Cyrus and he plays bass guitar in metro stasion

What is mileys favorite instrument?

Guitar because she always plays it!

Who was the first musician to use a bow on the guitar?

Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin

What is Hannah Montana's favorite games?

mileys favourite game is guitar hero.

What is common noun in the sentence the musician said that Hazel Grace Lancaster could borrow her guitar.?

The common nouns in the sentence are musician and guitar.

What is a guitar rift?

A "guitar riff" is a short section that a guitar musician has produced.

What was Mileys first TV show ever?

mileys first t.v show is HANNAH MONTANA!

Which brand is mileys newest western guitar?

hey iam Miley Cyrus and i think wiki answers roks!

Who invented the first double bass guitar?

In the 1930s, musician and inventor Paul Tutmarc from Seattle, Washington, developed the first electric string bass

What was mileys first boyfriend?

Nick Jonas

What is mileys first favorite courlor?

it was blue