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Q: What year did Bad Company release ''Shooting Star''?
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Why is a shooting star bettter than a hamburger?

Because on a shooting star you can wish for better things like a free hamburger all year round, perhaps. On the other hand, you can't wish on a hamburger for another shooting star. - acidoerez

Is the song Shooting Star by Bad Company about Johnny Cash?

Could be, but he wasn't dead then, remember. My opinion is, it's about Paul Kossoff who I believe died that year and who played in Free with Rodgers and Kirke from Bad Co.

How do you make the meteor meal in paper Mario thousand year door?

a slow shroom and a shooting star

Is meteor another name for shooting star?

Shooting stars are actually objects burning in the Earth's atmosphere. The name "shooting star" originates from ancient times (before advanced scientific investigation) when these burning meteors were though to actually be stars shooting across the night sky. Those that survive and crash onto the Earth's surface are then called meteorites.

What does it mean when you see a shooting star with someone?

The person with whom you have seen the shooting star is your soul mate, your ultimate destiny.I think they see the beauty of the night sky, and when all the stars come together it's like magic. I believe that a shooting star is like love, because it is the most beautiful, gliding across the sky, and falling to earth, showing that even the most unlikely romances are possible.1 year agoA shooting star is also symbolic of a new birth and changes in your life.Love & BlessingsMilly2 years agoif your with someone and you see a shooting star YOUR IN LOVE!!When you see a shooting star with your love.. that person is said to be as your 'Soul Mate'. This Happens very rarely...The Feeling after seeing a Shooting Star Is soo amazing,and that too with your 'Soul Mate'...You will not believe that... We saw 'Shooting Star' thrice with each other ...the third we saw was on 24th May 2012, 11.48 p.m

The term shooting star refers to?

The term shooting stars refers to a meteor shower. At different times of the year, meteor showers are more visible on earth because they are closer to the earth's atmosphere.

What are the chances of seeing a shooting a star?

The chances of seeing a shooting star, also known as a meteor, depend on various factors such as location, time of year, and weather conditions. On average, you might be able to spot a few shooting stars per hour during a peak meteor shower event. However, on any given night, the chances of seeing a shooting star are relatively low. Patience and luck are key when trying to spot one!

What year did Nickelback release ''Rock Star''?

Rockstar was released on August 22, 2006.

Has anyone seen a shooting star over London?

That is very likely - shooting stars are not at all rare events. If you look at the sky at night for a few hours each night, you are likely to see several eventually, anywhere, at any time of the year.

What year did shooting became a olympic sport?

shooting started in 1950 when the badminton started

How do you explain a meteorite to a 9 year old child?

You tell them that a rock from space fell into earth, and it was going so fast that it burned up. You could also tell them that this is what a shooting star is.

What is the Virginia Tech massacre?

The shooting there last year.