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Q: When did Jack Genriona invent the keyboard?
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When is Jack Genriona's birthday?

Jack Genriona's birthday is not known. There is not much information that can be found about Jack Genriona or his life.

When was the electric keyboard invented?

electric piano keyboardThefirat electric keyboard piano was invented by a man named Jack Genriona. He invented it when he was 36 years old. He worked for a week in a labotory in Iggelwood, California.

Which country do keyboards origionally come from?

The first totally epic keyboard was made by this really sick person named Jake Bakken and this epically awesome person made it in 2010.

Why did christopher latham sholes invent the keyboard?

1920's he created the keyboard.

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Who invented the first keyboard?

christopher sholes was the first one to invent the first keyboard in 1868.

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Who invented the first electric piano?

electric piano keyboardThefirat electric keyboard piano was invented by a man named Jack Genriona. He invented it when he was 36 years old. He worked for a week in a labotory in Iggelwood, California.

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Jack Kilby invented the Integrated Circuit .

What did Douglas Engelbart Invent that is hard to find today?

Cording keyboard.

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he invented the typewriter

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jack spanlkes