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This was the form of address preferred by Thomas Jefferson, who disliked the use of honorifics like "Excellency", which had sometimes been used to Washington and Adams.

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Q: When did you start calling your presidents by Mr. President?
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How do you address a former US president in writing?

Yes, they can still be addressed as Mr. President.

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Present president is Mr mahinda rajapaksha. He is the best president ever. He is 66 years old.

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No. Former vice presidents are referred to with the highes honorific they had achieved prior to becoming vice president. Example - a Vice President that was a Senator before becoming Vice President would be referred to as Mr. Senator after he left the Vice Presidential office.

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'Sir' or 'Mr. President' for a start, then 'sir' after that.

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Ray Raphael, Norb Vonnegut, and Stephen Arr all wrote books by that name.George Sullivan has a book out with the name Mr. President - a book of US presidents.

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You don't. He'll never answer it--let alone open it. Dear Mr. President,

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In America, presidents can serve for two terms. Since Mr. Obama has served his first term, he is running for re-election, so that he can serve a second term as president.

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Like many presidents, Mr. Obama does like golf, but he never used to play it very much. In fact, he seems to have become a fan of the game during his first term as president. Numerous presidents have found a game of golf relaxing, and President Obama is no exception.

Do you write dear mr president or dear President Obama?

Mr. President

What George Washington accomplish?

George Washington appointed a cabinet of advisors, serving only 2 terms, addressing the president as "Mr. President" and leading a military force against citizens to enforce law. This set the rest of our presidents stuff they should do he gave them a line to walk on so it was easier for the next presidents.

When the President telephones what should you do?

Most people reading this site will never be telephoned by the President, but if this unlikely event happens, you can start by saying "Hello Mr. President" and then listen to what he has to say.