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Q: When individual notes are stressed by being played louder or longer than surrounding notes they are said to have?
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Is the first syllable in rowdy stressed?

row-DY the second syllable is stressed the louder you say each part its stressed the louder it is

What are stressed words?

stress word is that you said louder or stronger.

What syllable is stressed syllable in the word dictionary?

The prefix "Dic" from the word "Dictionary" is the syllable that is showing stress. When you say the word "Dictionary", you may realise that the prefix "Dic" sounds louder than the rest of the word! One tip for finding stressed syllables in words is saying them aloud. A stressed syllable in a word sounds a bit louder than the other parts of the word when you say it.

A guitar is louder then a signer at a concert why Are the wave length longer from the guitar?

Longer sound wave produce

What is the stressed syllable of assignment?

The one that's said louder than the rest. Like SYL-la-ble, or A-MER-i-ca.

What of a sound wave depends on its amplitude?

More the amplitude, louder will be sound and longer will it travel.

How is punk rock different?

Punk is usually faster, louder and simpler that the rock which is usually longer.

Hum from rear of your Ford Windstar?

Just throwing it out to have your wheelbearings checked, humming can mean that they are about to break! if it keeps gettig louder and louder, the longer you wait, it could break while you are driving !!

How do stressed and unstressed syllables differ?

Stressed syllables are those syllables that are emphasized in speech. This can be done in several ways, such as 1) increased volume, 2) (in English) elongated vowel(s), and 3) "pure" pronunciation of the vowel(s).Unstressed syllables can be quieter, shorter, and often are pronounced as ə, the symbol "schwa," representing the "uh" sound you hear in "photography." "tog" is the stressed syllable, and if you say the word out loud, you'll hear that it's a little longer and louder than the other syllables. The unstressed syllables in the word "pho" and "graph" are both pronounced like "uh," which will never happen in a stressed syllable--if they were stressed, you'd have "foh-tah-graaf-ee" instead of "fuh-tah-gruhf-ee."

What is the meaning of stress syllables?

A stressed syllable of English has more prominence than an unstressed syllable, because it is louder, longer, or has higher pitch. The vowels of unstressed syllables may be reduced to schwa or bar-i, but the vowels of stressed syllables are not reduced. Stress comes in degrees, the most prominent being "primary stress", then of lesser prominence: "secondary stress", "tertiary stress", and sometimes lower degrees of stress. In the history of English, the stressed long vowels of Middle English underwent the connected series of changes called the "Great Vowel Shift", but the unstressed vowels were not shifted.

Are longer glasspack mufflers louder?

Longer glasspacks are not as loud. Longer muffler means more sound absorbing material thus not as loud. Typically a longer glasspack will sound deeper but not as loud, a shorter glasspack will sound louder but not as deep. Most commonly 18in long muffler section 22 inch overall length is the right balance. This can change based on engine type and personal preference.

Is bestows first or second syllable stressed?

It is pronounced "be-STOW", so the stressed syllable is "-stow". A stressed syllable is the part of a multi-syllabic word that you put emphasis on when you're saying it. Ex. -"rive" in "ar-rive" -"junc" in "con-junc-tion" - "med" in "im-med-i-ate" If you still don't understand it, try saying it out loud dramatically and you'll hear which part is slightly "louder", or more stressed :)