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Q: When one organism eats another organism what percent of the energy from the organism consumed is actually available to the consumer?
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When one organism eats another organism how much of the energy from the organism consumed is actually available to the consumer?

only 1-tenth it's in a 5th grade textbook

What is a secondary consumer in eco system?

A secondary consumer is any organism that consumes an organism that has consumed an autotroph. An autotroph is eaten by a primary consumer, which is eaten by a secondary consumer. Put more simply, a secondary (or any further level) consumer is a predator/ carnivore. A primary consumer would be an herbivore, and an autotroph (also known as primary producer) is any organism that creates it own energy (generally plants).

What organism is a consumer?

Which organism isnota consumer?

What is any organism that eat another organism call?

An organism that eats another organism is called a consumer.

Explain how energy is transferred through a food chain?

Energy is transferred through a food chain when an organism eats another organism. As the food chain progresses, less energy is available when an organism is consumed.

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What is an organism that gets its food from living in or on another organism?

the organism that can eat a consumer could be a other consumer

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What makes an organism a consumer?

An organism is a consumer if it eats- 1. another animal OR 2. another plant

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What is it called when one organism is consuming another organism?

If the organism is eating another its a carnivore.

What if a organism was a consumer?

if a organism was a consumer then they could combine each other together and they would be eating plants and animals.