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CPanel was created on 1996-03-21.

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Q: When was CPanel created?
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What is the purpose of a cpanel dedicated server?

cPanel is a Linux control panel that is used for web hosting. Many designers are now looking for dedicated cPanel machines to host their websites as opposed to the standard windows .asp hosting. The purpose of a cpanel dedicated server is help the host servers run the website better.

How much do cpanel dedicated servers cost?

The prices for CPanel dedicated servers vary. There are servers available for as little as $99 a month.

What are some providers of dedicated servers powered by cPanel?

Lists of providers of dedicated servers powered by the Linux based system cPanel, may be found on the official cPanel website. It is recommended to read the server lists from the official website, as they are bound to change with time. On the plus side, cPanel's official website will always have updated lists.

What are cpanel dedicated servers used for?

Cpanel dedicated servers are used for web hosting. Cpanel is a Unix based control panel for web hosting which provides tools and a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to simplify the job of providing web hosting.

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Where can one find cPanel dedicated servers?

A person can find cPanel dedicated servers provided through LiquidWeb. Other options are HostGator, Hivelocity, inmotionhosting, verio, and razorservers.

Where can one find information about Cpanel dedicated?

CPanel is a web hosting control panel that allows the user to use its tools and interface to host a website. it has a function as a dedicated server thereby the client leases the entire server and so it is not shared by anyone else. More information about the service can be found on the CPanel website.

Where can one go for free cpanel hosting?

For free cpanel hosting you can try searching the web. They have a variety of plans and a free trial upon sign up so this would be the perfect site for you.

What is the purpose of Cpanel Web hosting?

cPanel is important because it allows customers to manage their various hosted services in a single place. With the Cpanel, you can manage the important aspects of file management, FTP, backups, email management, domain and sub-domain control, user management network Tools, MySQL database administration, etc

What is a reliable and dedicated cPanel server host?

There are many reliable and dedicated cPanel server hosts on the internet. Some are Liquid Web, Hosting Zoom, Hi Velocity, Host Gator, Verio, and Resellers Panel

What is typically included in a web hosting cPanel?

Cpanel is an easy to use interface for web maintenance. Included in it is usually website statistics such as bandwith information. It also supports a wide variety of third-party applications and plugins.