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Deadshot was created in 1950.

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Who is better bullseye or deadshot?

There is no real answer, but who you like. For example I think Deadshot is better. No one can tell unless they make a cross universe comic and have Deadshot and Bullseye fight.

What color is the perk a cola deadshot daiquri?

Well deadshot daiquri is probably just gray

What are the release dates for Deadshot Casey - 1928?

Deadshot Casey - 1928 was released on: USA: 21 July 1928 (New York City, New York)

Why did i lose deadshot daiquri in black ops 2?

When you die in Zombies, you do not keep your perks.

Who are the 8 assassins in batman arkham origins?

Copperhead, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Electrocutioner, Bane, Firefly, Shiva and Killer Croc.

What does Deadshot do?

I think it locks onto peoples heads ,I can tell this because it comes up with a body with cross hairs on their head.

Who is Margot Robbie?

I know her best for her role as Harley Quinn in the movie Suicide Squad, where Will Smith also starred as Deadshot.

What does deadshot daiquiri do?

Deadshot Daiquiri is a perk-a-cola in call-of-the-dead. It't kind of like an aim bot. But when ever you look down sight towards a zombie it automatically aims for the head. Which gives you faster kills and more points. I believe it's 1500 pts to get it in the game.

What are the perks in black ops zombies?

juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,

Who are some of the main villains who fight against Batman?

The batman has fight many main villains, including The Joker, Bane, Catwoman and Firebug. Some other less known villains the Batman has fought are Firefly, Deadshot and Anarky.

What does Dead-shot daiquiri do in black ops zombies?

deadshot daiquiri makes you automatically snap to the zombie's head when you aim. i only recomend buying it if you have an RPK or an HK-21 ,you are on at least round 10, and you havent pack-a-punched yet.hope this helped you

How do you open zipline on the light house call of the dead?

first, you have to open the light house and get to the top (where the perk "deadshot d'acery" is) then, you must open the door to the far boat ( where the Juggernog machine is located). Once you open one of those doors, the zipline will open.