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Miserentissimus Redemptor was created in 1928.

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Q: When was Miserentissimus Redemptor created?
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The link below takes you to web page giving Gregorian Chant for Lent and Easter. The full text of O Redemptor is the eighth item in the list:

In Full Metal Alchemist manga what does the text Filtvs Redemptor Etmedi Ator on the lab No.5 wall crest Mean?

The lines on the wall are in a tombstone style that the Romans used to save some space--although the one shown in the manga has way fewer abbreviations than the Romans would have used--and the lines should be "filius redemptor et mediator" (filtus is not a word while filius is) meaning "the son, the redeemer, and the mediator" a reference to Jesus. While the lines on the wall appear "filtvs/ redemptor/ etmedi/ ator" filtvs (as stated previously) is actually filius meaning son, redemptor is redeemer or savior, etmedi/ ator is actually et mediator with et meaning and, mediator meaning pacifier. "the son: the savior and pacifier." This statement should be considered incomplete, however, since the previous inscription on the wall is blocked by Lust's dialog and these two parts may be one statement. I found a "complete" reference online--though it should be taken with a grain of salt--that states the whole inscription to be "pater abavo estcass ator filtvs redemptor etmedi ator." This statement should worked back to "pater abavo (v and not a u this time) est casator (the single s could become double for sake of filling poetic meter) filius redemptor et mediator" meaning "the father shall be the destroyer, for sake of the ancestry, the son shall be the savior and the pacifier" This translation should not be taken as literal because "casator" seems to be a bastardized form of an unknown noun. However the verb ("est") exhibits zeugma across "pater" and "filius" and even though "est" is a present tense verb I changed it to a hortatory subjunctive (from "is" to "shall be"). Also I am unclear whether "abavo" is the dative of reference or ablative of cause("for the sake of the ancestry" compared to "on account of the ancestry"). EDIT: I have found the full verse (unblocked) within the manga. It is "pater/ abavo/ estcre/ ator/ filius (with an "I" this time, not a "T")/ redemptor/ etmedi/ ator" or "pater abavo est creator filius redemptor et mediator" meaning "The father, due to ancestry, is the creator, the son is the savior and pacifier." I assure this to be accurate enough to be taken literally.

What were the encyclicals written by Pope Pius XI?

Encyclicals of Pope Pius XI: 1. Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio 2. Rerum Omnium Perturbationem 3. Studiorum Ducem 4. Ecclesiam Dei 5. Maximam Gravissimamque 6. Quas Primas 7. Rerum Ecclesiae 8. Rite Expiatis 9. Iniquis Afflictisque 10. Mortalium Animos 11. Miserentissimus Redemptor 12. Rerum Orientalium 13. Divini Cultus 14. Mens Nostra 15. Divini Illius Magistri 16. Quinquagesimo Ante 17. Ad Salutem 18. Casti Connubii 19. Quadragesimo Anno 20. Non Abbiamo Bisogno (Nobis Opus non Est) 21. Nova Impendet 22. Lux Veritatis 23. Caritate Christi Compulsi 24. Acerba Animi 25. Dilectissima Nobis 26. Ad Catholici Sacerdotii 27. Vigilanti Cura 28. Mit Brennender Sorge (Cura Ardens) 29. Divini Redemptoris 30. Nos Es Muy Conocida 31. Ingravescentibus Malis 32. Humani Generis Unitas

What tourist attractions are there in Rio de Janeiro?

There are many... Besides the beautiful beaches there are: the Pão-de-açúcar; the Corcovado (where the Christ the Redemptor statue's is. This statue is one of the New 7 Wonders of the World); the Botanic Garden; historicals and also funny places such as the Lapa (famous for Samba shows that happen every day); the Sambodromo (only for the Carnivale time. This is where the biggest carnivale parade in the world takes place); many other ones... it's easy to find out, just need to ask someone in a travel agency.

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When and where was snooker first played?

It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.