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FDR was an investor in a cattle ranch in Nebraska for a short time. He only stayed there one day because while he was there his wife and mother died. He never went back. Today it is a national park with tours of the ranch house, a museum of FDR items, and camping grounds.

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Q: When was Roosevelt a rancher?
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What did Theodore Roosevelt do as a rancher?

Roosevelt and his partners raised cattle to take to market for the Eastern beef eaters.

What president worked as a rancher and author before the president of the US?

Theodore Roosevelt was a respected author and rancher before the Presidency.

Did Theodore Roosevelt have a jobs?

Rancher, Historian, Author, Soldier, Naturalist and Politician.

What career did Teddy Roosevelt choose?

Politics. He was also an author and a cattle rancher for a while.

What did Theodore Roosevelt do before he became president?

State legislator, rancher, police commissioner of New York City, Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York and Vice President were some of Roosevelt's many careers.

What was Theodore Roosevelt's job for a living?

he was a rancher in the western area but a politition in the city. to find out more go to your local library or type in..... something

Which president had worked as a rancher and author?

Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan both spent some time on a ranch and both did some writing.

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What kind of food did Theodore Roosevelt like?

He had a hearty appetite and ate everything from biscuits and rice as a cattle rancher to exquisite meals in the White House. Whatever it was, as long as there was plenty of it, TR was happy.

When was Jolly Rancher created?

Jolly Rancher was created in 1949.

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Phantom Rancher was created in 1940.

How many carbohydrates in a jolly rancher?

"There is approximately 25 calories in one Jolly Rancher"