

Best Answer

The It Girlz

The A-List

The Best Friendz

The Hot Tamaliez

The Boy Magnetz

The Gossip Girlz

The Gossip Chickz

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the insiders

glamor girls

the it girls

the cool crew

sorry I'm not so good at this but i hope this helped :D

well im naming mine the trendy committiee\

my other option was the beauty comittee

You could also use the fab 4

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Q: Where are some good clique names for a group of 4 or 5 like the pretty committee or the Plastics?
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What is a example of a famous 3 girl singing group?

The clique Girls

How do you start a clique?

Starting a clique is by NO means easy. And if you read the clique series and want to start a clique like that, don't expect all of it. First bring a notebook around with you in school. Take note of people and special qualities about them. Pick 3 and start by asking them to hang around your house or something like that. After hanging out say"hey we should hang out more" and now let the games begin. You need to get your friends gifts and get them real pretty . Next step, start telling each other secrets and (like in the series) do gossip points(every time you tell gossip you get points ) for how good it is. Next step , rule the school. Rule it? How? Well start like this have so much fun with yoour friends so people can notice, learn how to win a comeback war , andlook reaallly pretty and nice when you go to school. then people will want to be like you and that's the time to take advantage. Theres only one way to do it(start a clique)!Answer 2:omg yeah that's my group of friends right there yo!!!Also make sure the people in your clique are nice! Be confident and make sure your clique stays in all the fashions. Seriously a little confidence can go a long way. Make sure your clique does fun stuff on weekends like sleepovers,roller skating, ice skating. Go to different wikihows and wikianswers to have a fun sleepover:).You shouldn't want to become "The Clique" though. They're nasty, yes pretty, but nobody would want 2 hang out with you for long. My friends and I are sort of a "clique" I guess, but we're not mean. We don't only hang out with each other too. We have tons of friends, especially outside of school. And also, finding a clique name is hard. Some suggestions are the Glossy Posse, 6 Pack (for 6 people), or something stupid (like the Spicey Sweethearts..that's just a little dumb).Answer 3: starting a clique is a lot of responsibility. if you're going to start a clique, and it ends up being successful, you need to be a leader. not "lyrca" like THE CLIQUE books describe massie, but being a loose leader while still being the clear one in control and setting the example for the rest of your girls. Being a clique is more fun when everyone is at the top. you have to have a lot of fun (especially in front of others) and plan fun outings.once you come to the point where everyone knows you're officially a "clique", you have to come up with a name. u want to use the number of people that are in it. for example, six pack, seven heaven, four square, three charms, etc. Be Creative.leading a clique is once again, A LOT OF RESPONSIBILITY. if you don't want to lead, but you do want to follow/be a part of a clique (idk much about this, for i am an alpha of a clique, myself) form the clique, but make sure you get one of those dying-to-be-popular types who really wants to be at the top of everything. Help her gravitate to the top.Hope this helps. Thanks! :) if you want to you should get with your friends and come up with a name and discuss a dress code for your clique.

Summary of the pretty pennies picket?

the summary was it was a group called the pretty pennies picket

Which group first sang Pretty Little Angel eyes?

It wasn't a group. It was Curtis Lee in 1961

What is the Name of group that sings pretty in pink?

The Psychedelic Furs

Related questions

What does TPC stand for in the clique books?

In The Clique book series, TPC stands for The Pretty Committee, which is the group of mean girls led by Massie Block.

What is a good clique name for a huge group of girls- Like the 'Pretty Committee'?

well, I know a good one for geeks, to start. the "Nerd Herd." the pretty committee is good but quite over used. Would it be a smart girl clique, or a mean girl clique? Flower power is good for a hippie clique. "Sexy and I know it" would be my best name.

What are some group names that rhyme like 'the pretty committee'?

One that comes to mind is "the unique clique", but you may already know that one.

What is a symbol in the book The Clique?

In "The Clique" series by Lisi Harrison, the symbol of the "Pretty Committee" is a heart with a crown on top. This symbol represents the members' elite status and their unity as a group. It is often used to show loyalty and allegiance within the clique.

What are all of the pledges from the Clique books by Lisi Harrison?

The pledges from "The Clique" series by Lisi Harrison are typically centered around themes of loyalty, friendship, and exclusivity within the social hierarchy of the Pretty Committee. The girls often make pledges to support and defend each other, follow the group's rules, and maintain their status as part of the elite group.

What is the most famous clique names?

the pretty committee is the clique girls group name in the book (and movie) wut about: four fingers and a thumb cinco de ninas cinco de fashion Fab 5 Flava 5 the first initial of all your names The hot spots celeb spotlight

What does Mac in the clique mean?

"Mac" in the context of a clique typically means someone who is respected, popular, or influential within the group. They may have a charismatic personality, leadership skills, or a strong presence that others admire.

What is the rissing action of the clique?

In "The Clique," a popular young adult book series by Lisi Harrison, the rising action mainly consists of the main character, Massie Block, navigating her social hierarchy and dealing with conflicts within her friend group, the Pretty Committee. This includes drama, competition, and power struggles as Massie tries to maintain her status as the most popular girl in school.

Who is the antagonist in Massie summer collection the clique series?

In "The Clique" series by Lisi Harrison, the antagonist in the summer collection is typically Massie Block, who is the leader of the Pretty Committee. She often creates drama and conflict within the group, leading to tension and challenges for the other characters.

What is the difference between massie blocks and Claire lyons in the clique?

Massie Block is the alpha of the Pretty Committee in "The Clique" series, known for her fashionable style and leadership skills. Claire Lyons is the newest member who doesn't fit in with the other girls at first, but eventually finds her place in the group. Massie is confident and popular, while Claire is more down-to-earth and relatable.

When was Formosa Plastics Group created?

Formosa Plastics Group was created in 1958.

How did Massie in the Clique become an alpha?

Massie in "The Clique" series by Lisi Harrison becomes an alpha by possessing a strong sense of style, confidence, and leadership skills. She is admired by her peers for being fashionable, assertive, and decisive, traits that contribute to her status as an alpha in her friend group.