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In the desert, on the ground.

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Q: Where can you find scorpions on HorseIsle?
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Where do you find the Golden Sheep in HorseIsle?

To find the Golden Sheep in Horseisle, check out the link below.

Where can you find red pinecones on HorseIsle?

Anywhere in forests you can find them. They usually are not on horseisle itself, but if you travel you can find them. You can also find them on horseisle if you look hard. Sometimes people drop them on the ground. Then you can just pick them up.

Can scorpions climb or do you only find them on the floor?

Yes, all scorpions can climb.

In what deserts would you find scorpions?

Scorpions would be found in hot deserts.

In HorseIsle where do you find Thoroughbreds?

You can find Thoroughbreds on grass.

Where can you not find scorpions?

up your bum

In freerealms where do you find horses to rent?

Please don't categorize this in the topic "Horseisle" as it isn't horseisle.

Can you find scorpions in Asia?

yes you can find scorpians in asia.

Are scorpions carnivores?

yes, scorpions are carnivores. they eat bugs. wild scorpions eat any bug they can find, but pet scorpions can eat crickets

How do scorpions get food?

they find it and eat it :P

Where can you find a purple halter in HorseIsle?

You have to find the construction pattern for it and make it

What are scorpions used for in the war?

to find people that smell