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Well its rumord that he and her met in hetjrows and they went on the same plan but it was there 1 week off and louis wanted to go to usa wiv harry and that's how they met that's her side of it well I belive they knew each othere befor he was in 1D x

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Q: Where did Louis tommlinson meet Eleanor?
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How did Louis Tomlinson meet Eleanor?

Through her dad

How did Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor caldor meet?

They met through Harry, whom Eleanor knows.

How did Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor calder meet?

I believe that Eleanor was an old friend of Harry, so he introduced her to Louis and set them up on a blind date. Isn't Harry sweet?!?

Is Louis single?

No. Louis Tomlinson is dating Eleanor Calder.

Is Louis still dating Eleanor?

Yes, Louis and Eleanor are currently still dating.

Who is oldest Eleanor calder or Louis Tomlinson?

Eleanor is born in 1993 and Louis are born in 1991. So Louis is oldest :)

When did Louis and Eleanor start dating?

Louis and Eleanor started dating on September 27 2011

Who is Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend?

Eleanor Calder

Where did Eleanor of Aquitaine get marriedto Louis?

She married Louis in Bordeux.

What is Louis Tomlinson girlfriend's name?

Eleanor Calder ;)

Does Louis Tomlinson have a girlfriend?

Yes, Eleanor Calder :)