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Q: Where do idiophones originate?
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Castanets are non-pitched instruments.?

Idiophones are instruments that produce sound with the vibration from their body. Castanets are non-pitched instruments and idiophones that are generally used in Spanish Folk Music.

What are the instrument in African dance?

Membranophones Chordophones Idiophones Percussion

How do idiophones produce sound?

By shaking, scraping, or striking the instrument itself

Is a membranophones a percussion?

Yes they are. Membranophones and Idiophones are categories in the percussion family.

What sections are the percussion family divided into?

It can be Idiophones and Membranophones or Pitched and Unpitched percussion.

What are the five classification of musical instrument?

Idiophones, Membranophones, Aerophones,Chordophones, and Electrophones

Is power amplifier is basically a current amplifier?

idiophones membronophones Aerophones chordophones electrophones

What are some examples of idiophones?

Claves, Shakers, Chimes, Xylophones, Vibraphones, Gong, Triangle, and etc.