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Blake Shelton

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Q: Where is Blake's daughter and why doesn't he claim her instead of saying he has no kids?
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Is it true that 'to a mother a daughter is a daughter for life'?

Yes, to normal mothers that saying is true. However, sometimes there may be indifferences between mother and daughter, but this doesn't mean the mother doesn't love her daughter. Then, as the mother ages there are illness' that come into play with such diseases such as Alzheimer's or possibly strokes can cause the mother to be the hardest on her daughter, but the mother doesn't know any different. Mothers are no more perfect than their daughters and if a daughter is smart she'll look on her mother as a woman first (with feelings) and a mother second.

What was Quincy Jones Nickname For Michael Jackson?

He called him Smelly because Michael once used that word instead of swearing and because if he liked a beat or piece of music he would call it smelly jelly instead of saying it's funky.

If Chris Brown doesnt have kids how come number 8 on his new album called damage and hes saying he got a gurl pregnant?

No he didn't he just cheated in his one the girl and plus, it is just a song.

Version of Living Next Door to Alice with 1 guy saying the catchphrase instead of group yelling it?

It's Alice, who the f*** is Alice? by Smokie and Roy 'Chubby' Brown (the guy saying the catchphrase) --->Ignore the clip =))

Why does holden start thinking about Dick Slagle in Catcher in the Rye?

when he was at the sandwich bar, the nuns he saw had inexpensive suitcases. when slagle and holden were roommates, slagle was too embarassed about his inexpensive suitcases and took holden's suitcases instead (saying that they were his)

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What does kotero mean in Maori?

It is a daughter because instead of saying there name or daughter just say Kotero plus it is easy for people to say if there Maori. By the way I was just saying.

Can you give me examples of merism?

Hello, a merism could be somthing like this: father, mother, daughter, son, grandma and grandpa instead of just saying the word: family.

Where does the saying 'On the fabled tenth of May' originate?

it doesnt

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What is the mean cusing?

saying bad word instead of good words saying bad word instead of good words

Your stepmum hates you and wants to get rid of you what do you do?

make your dad hate her to by making her say bad things about you in front of him so he hears and she will get kicked out instead of you because your dad wont like what shes saying about his daughter

How does an idiom work?

an idiom is a saying that doesnt mean what it says. and example is someone saying the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, the are not actually talking about apples and trees they are usually talking about a parent and child relationship.

Who is the mother to Kevin Jonas's daughter?

Kevin does not have a daughter. He just got married on December 26, 2009. If people are saying Kevin he has a daughter then they are lying.

Is it by pass road or bye pass road?

Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.Bypass. It is like you are going by something, as you are going by a town for example, instead of going into it. You are not saying goodbye to the town.

How do you address to person if you don't know his or her gender?

Instead of saying he or she, you could say they. Instead of saying his or hers, you could say their. It depends on the what you mean by address them and in what context.

What is the relation between my daughter and my other daughter's son?

what is happening to our family i honestly don't understand what hell you are saying

How can you use feeling in a sentence?

You can use feeling in a sentence by saying spectacular instead of saying good.