Niall Horan was born in Mullingar, Ireland.
Niall Horan was born at 8:30 am 34 seconds after
Niall James Horan was born on 13 September 1993.
The One Direction member that is Irish is, the very talented, Niall Horan<3
Niall Horan was born in Mullingar, Ireland.
Niall Horan was born on September 13, 1993
Niall Horan was born in the month of September.
Niall James Horan was born on 13 September 1993.
Niall Horan was born at 8:30 am 34 seconds after
Niall Horan was born on September 13, 1993
Niall Horan was born on the 13 of September 1993, in Ireland.
Niall Horan's mother was born Maura Gallagher. She was born in Ireland in 1961.
Niall Horan was born on the 13th of September of the year 1993 Hope that helped:)
Niall is Niall Horan (born September 13, 1993).
Niall James Horan was born on 13 September 1993.
The One Direction member that is Irish is, the very talented, Niall Horan<3