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The French Horn was invented in 1753, it was invented because it was used for commutation and for the beautiful sound it made.

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Q: Where was the French horn invented?
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Who invented the french horn?

the french!

What was the year the french horn was invented?

it was in1760

What date the french horn was invented?

It wasn't invented but evolved from early horns. The earliest horn was a hunting horn. These date from the 16th century .

What was the date that the french horn was invented? This website gives a breif history and when it was invented. Hopes this helps! Did you know: The french horn orignated in german!

Were there any instruments invented as a result of the French Horn?

Every other brass instrument

Who invented the car horn?

I invented the car horn

Why is french horn called a french horn?

The reason why the french horn is called a french horn is because, even if it started to develop in Germany it was completed in France, heinz the name French Horn

Is French horn a brass?

The French horn is a brass.

Where did people play the french horn?

The French Horn actually originated in Europe and has been around for quite a while. In the beginning, it had no fingerings and was played by buzzing different notes, which could also be tuned by the moving of the hand inside the bell. Then the Germans invented the valve system, and fingerings were introduced to the horn. Of course, Americans call it the French horn.... Anyway, the French Horn is a unique instrument enjoyed in orchestras all over the world. :)

Why were french horns invented?

they were invented to make a mellow velvet sound that went good with woodwinds too. they were invented in (modern horn) in 1777 by a German man named Heinrich

What instruments were invented in the 1600s?

well, i play the french horn, and its ancestor the hunting horn came around then for the royal hunts. just wikipedia it, theyve got lots

Which brass intrument was originally used for hunting?

The French horn. Though a brass instrument it most often sits with the woodwinds.