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"Have a nice day".

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Q: Which Bon Jovi album is red with a black smiley face on it?
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What everclear album has the smiley face on the CD?

the fact is there are two. the first one is the yellow smily from 34everclear and it is called "songs of American music, volume 1 and then volume 2. 1 has the yellow sad face. 2 has the orange and black smiley.

How you make typed simley faces?

Hold alt and press 1 for a white smiley face and 2 for a black smiley face -♫☼♫-

What was Walmart's first logo?

a yellow smiley face with black eyes and and a black mouth smiling

What is backwards smiley face?

A backwards smiley face is when the punctuation for a smiley face is reversed, such as ) : or ( :. It may symbolize a different emotion than a traditional smiley face.

Where does your electricity come from in new jersey?

Jon Bon Jovi and his face Jon Bon Jovi and his face

What is the Dennis day album where he is in black face?


How do you do msn winks?

click on the smiley face icon or " " is a smiley face ";)" is a wink ":D" is a big smiley face etc.

What is Smiley Cat?

Smiley cat is a cat that has a smiley face :D

How long has the Smiley Face been around for?

The smiley face has been around for decades. In 1962 the smiley face was first introduced in New York on the popular radio staion WMCA who gave out sweatshirt's with a smiley face logo.

What does a smiley face with an exclamation mark mean?

A smiley face and a explanationmark means that that person is really happy

What kind of spider is this it has yellow and black striped legs and yellow fat body with a smiley face on it?

Garden spider

How do you make a smiley face on a ipnone?

":)" For a smiley or ":D" for a grin.