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Q: Which family of instruments is seated in the back of the orchestra and why does it has to sit in back of the orchestra?
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What family of instruments are usually found at the back of the orchestra?

Percussion instruments are at the very back, usually played standing. The last row of seated instruments is usually the lower brass - French horns, trombones, and tuba.

What family is at the back of the orchestra?

The percussion family is at the back of the orchestra.

Where do brass instruments sit in an orchestra?

In the back, but in front of the percussion.

Where the french horn can be found in the orchestera?

to the left The answer above is not necessarily correct. Depending on the orchestra, and the piece of music, the horns can be seated anywhere. Usually we are seated in the back with the rest of the wind instruments because our sound travels farther than the sound of string instruments. If the horns have the melody throughout a piece, they could be seated at the edge of the stage with the bells pointing toward the audience, so stage left.

Where does the percussion family sit in a orchestra?

Generally at the back of the orchestra.

Why are the percussion instruments at th eback of the orchestra?

They are at the back because they are pound instruments. Sometimes they go to the sides as well. They are also in the back because the percussion players stand up and if they were in the front of the orchestra, you wouldn't be able to see the rest of the orchestra playing.

Why are string instruments at the front of the orchestra?

They sit in front because wind instruments are louder, so winds are further back.

Why are the brass instruments in an orchestra positioned where they are?

i dont know but i think near the back because it is loouder to hear than the instruments at the front

what part of a symphony orchestra would you find a timpani in?

The Percussion Section/Family. It is usually located at the back of the the Orchestra.

Section of the orchestra stands up?

The percussion sits at the back. Brass sit below the percussion and above the woodwind. Th strings sit below the woodwind and to the right ( in a conductors view) of the harps and the piano if a full orchestra is needed! That is the normal positions they would sit in.

Why are brass instruments in the back of an orchestra?

There are a number of reasons for this. the first and main is so that the rest of the orchestra can hear them properly. the second is because they could block the rest of the orchestra from the audience if they were in the front, as they take up a lot of room. this could stop all of the sound getting through, and make the rest of the orchestra harder to see. There are other reasons as well

Why does the harp sit in the back of the orchestra?

It is a large instrument and would obstruct the view (by the audience) of other instruments and players.