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There is no such thing as delta particles in nuclear decay.

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Q: Which of the following is not produced by nuclear decay A Alpha particles B Beta particles C Gamma rays D Delta particles?
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Which of the following is not a type of nuclear radiation alpha particles beta particles neutron emission x rays?

X-rays are not a type of nuclear radiation. They are a type of electromagnetic radiation.

How does it go from beta to alpha particles?

It's not possible to change beta particles to alpha particles or vice versa; they're two very different things produced by different processes. Beta particles can be either electrons or they can be positrons, which are anti-electrons. Alpha particles are helium-4 nuclei, which are composed of a pair of protons and a pair of neutrons. Beta particles are produced in beta decay (one in each type), and alpha particles are produced in alpha decay. Both of these types of nuclear decay release particulate radiation. Links can be found below to check things out.

Name the nuclear radiation that can be easily stopped by skin or cloths?

alpha particles.

What nuclear emissions that identical to a helium atom?

This is alpha radiation (alpha particles).

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Nuclear Fission. The Nucleus of the Atom has been split apart.

How is Mendeleevium produced?

By bombarding alpha particles with Einstsenium, Mendeleevium is produced.

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Transuranic elements (elements with a greater atomic no.>92) are produced by the bombardment of large nuclei with neutrons in a nuclear reactor and other small particles (ie. beta and alpha particles) in a particle accelerator.

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The scattering of alpha particles by thin metal foils established that?

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Both Beta and alpha particles can be blocked by a block of lead. Alpha particles can even be blocked by a sheet of paper, and beta particles can be blocked by a thin aluminium plate.

Type of nuclear decay consisting of a helium nucleus?

Alpha decay. Alpha particles are the same as a helium-4 nucleus.