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Perhaps you are thinking of the band Big Audio Dynamite II. This was a group founded by Mick Jones, who had been in the original incarnation of the band, when it was just called Big Audio Dynamite. This version of the band had a #32 hit in 1991 with the song "Rush."

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10y ago
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10y ago

Rush is a Canadian rock band, made up of Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart. They have continued to make great music for more than forty years. They have earned numerous awards, and in 2013, they were (finally) inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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14y ago

ally and aj sang "rush"

ally and aj sang "rush"

EDIT: BAD, The Pillows, Poisonblack, Depeche Mode and MYMP also sang songs names "Rush".

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