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the father of his sister and brother is Jermy bieber him Justin and his little brother and sister have the same dad

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Q: Who is the father of Justin bieber sister and brother?
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Of Course No.....You have to be blood brother and sister or brother and brother unless your father was to marry his mother, Pattie but then he'd be considered your Step brother not regular brother only Jazmin Bieber is his Regular sister

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Who is the sbilings of Justin Bieber?

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Who is the dad of justin bieber's little sister and brother?

Jeremy Bieber

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No. Justin Bieber has a half-brother named Jaxon Bieber. and also a half sister named Jazmine Bieber

What is Justin Bieber's step brother and step sister called?

Justin Bieber does not have a step-brother. He has a half-brother named Jaxon Bieber.