Cameron Leahy (of Downtown Fiction) is 28 years old (born May 10, 1989).
Hedley's guitarist is Dave Rosin.
Billy Butler - guitarist - was born in 1925.
The lead singer/guitarist Aaron Lewis, lead guitarist Mike Mushok, and bassist Johnny April.
The main person in Downtown Fiction is Cameron Leahy, the lead vocalist and guitarist of the band. He is a founding member and has been a consistent presence throughout the band's career.
Cameron Leahy is the lead singer and guitarist. David Pavluk is the back up singer and bassist. Eric Jones is the drummer. And Wes Dimond is the tour guitarist.
The lead singer of Downtown Fiction is Cameron Leahy.
Cameron Leahy (of Downtown Fiction) is 28 years old (born May 10, 1989).
around 20
Age 21
downtown fiction
Cameron Russell Leahy.
As of now, the members of The Downtown Fiction are in their mid to late 30s.
His name is Cameron Leahy(:
Current Members of The Downtown Fiction: Cameron Leahy -- Lead singer/guitar David Pavluk -- Bass Wes Dimond -- Guitar Past Members: Eric Jones -- Drums