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Definitely not her.

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Q: Who is the texting actress in the newest Toyotathon commercial. Is it maybe Stephanie Courtney who plays Flo in the Progressive Insurance commercials?
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Related questions

What is the name of the recurring female character in Progressive Insurance commercials?

The quirky brunette who frequently stars in Progressive Insurance commercial is named Flo. She is most commonly known for her works on these commercials and her bouffant styled hair and red lipstick.

Who is the actress in the Progressive Insurance commercial who buys all of the cupcakes at young Flo's bake sale?

Stephanie Courtney, the same actress who plays "adult Flo" in Progressive commercials.

Who is brad in progressive insurance commercials?

Scott Beehner

Is that Gary Burghoff in the Progressive Insurance commercials?

yess it is

Who are the two insurance guys in the Progressive Insurance commercials?

One is actor Brad McDonald

Who is the girl talking to Flo in the progressive commercial?

Since Flo talks to a lot of customers in the Progressive Insurance commercials, it is hard to determine exactly which commercial you are referring to. If there were more specifics describing the commercial, such as a song or funny line said, it may be easier to pinpoint the actress.

What is Progressive Insurance's Flo real name?

The actress who portrays Flo in Progressive Insurance commercials is Stephanie Courtney.

Who is the cute brunette with Flo?

As of 2013, Flo is a fictional character that appears in more than fifty commercials for the Progressive Insurance commercials since the year 2008. The name of the cute brunette that is with Flo in the commercial is not stated.

Where are commercials filmed for progressive insurAnce?


Where could one find insurance commercials online?

Surprisingly there are a variety of websites that offer insurance commercials online. One can view these commercials on sites such as Business Insurance, Allstate, Liberty Mutual and Progressive.

Who plays Megan in the progressive insurance name commercial?

The actress playing "Megan" in the progressive commercials is Melanie Paxson. Melanie Paxson (born Melanie Deanne Moore; September 26, 1972) is an American actress.

Which insurance companies offer towing insurance?

One can obtain towing insurance, or tow truck insurance, via a website for Progressive Commercial. One can find further information on the Progressive Commercial website.