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All I know is Jose "Pepe" Merto, a native of Pagbilao, Quezon...I knew him since I was young as he is a family friend.

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Q: Who is the writer of the lyrics of the song lalawigan ng quezon?
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Does the writer of lyrics own them?

Yes the person who wrote the song owns the song until he or she wants to sell it. and say if an artist likes the lyrics then they pay the writer to sort of hire the lyrics as there is and then if the writer agrees to giving them the song lyrics for them to sing then they can use it to sing but when it gets played on the radio etc the writer gets the money, well at least a lot more then then artist because its there song.

Who was the original artist that performed the song with the lyrics No One can get in the way...?

From the song "No One", Alicia Keys is formally credited as writer.

Who was responsible for the lyrics and the music for leave out all the rest?

I am sure that Chester did because he is the song writer.

You are a song writer but you have no one to write the lyrics what should you do?

Hire a lyricist.Although frankly, unless your lyrics are really terrible, there's no reason why you shouldn't have a go yourself.

Who is the song author the one who sings the song or the one who writes the lyrics?

The lyricist (writer of the words) and the score-composer (writer of the musical notes) are the song co-authors. The singer does not get credit for being the author of the song unless he has contributed words or music to the composition.

How do you teach what a lyric is?

Lyrics are the words to a song. Many songs have both music and lyrics, while some (called instrumentals) just have music. To teach about lyrics, think of them as the lines to a poem. Poetry uses words and literary devices (including metaphors and similes) in order to paint a picture-- that is, to make the subject real in the mind of the reader; song lyrics do the same for the listener: they are the writer's way of communicating. The lyrics contain the writer's ideas, emotions, opinions, and perspectives, which are shared with whoever hears that song.

Who was the famous song writer who became known as the voice of the counter culture with his lyrics?

I think it's Bob Dillon

Do song writers create a song from listening to the beat or with out?

Each song writer is different. Most song writers also employ different methods. Sometimes the melody is composed first, then the lyrics. Most often though , the lyrics are written first and the rest falls into place.

Do you like the song lyrics?

song lyrics? you havnt exactly said what song lyrics to what?

What are the lyrics to the convoy song?

The Convoy Song is a song by C.W. McCall. The full lyrics for the song can be found online on many lyrics websites such as Metro Lyrics and Lyrics Freak.

Where can one find Lyrics to the song 'What if' by Jason Derulo?

There are many websites that offer lyrics to songs including the song What If by Jason Derulo. The lyrics to this song are available on Metro Lyrics, AZ Lyrics and Song Lyrics.