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Williamson Music, now part of R&H, handles the Irving Berlin catalog. The best contact for them is

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Q: Who should I contact to receive permission to use the lyrics to God Bless America?
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Related questions

How do you get permission to use another composer's music with your lyrics?

You ask either the composer or his/her publisher. If you are lucky enough to receive permission (very rare, btw) you will need then to give proper credits due to whomever let you use their work.

If you use lines from Sarah Teasdale's poems for song lyrics do you need someone's permission?

I know that if you use someone else's lyrics, you need their permission unless you're analyzing them. Yes, to use the poem as lyrics, or in any way, requires permission of the copyright holder.

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Is using artist lyrics illegal?

Using an artist's lyrics without permission can be considered a copyright violation, which is illegal. It's best to obtain proper licensing or permission from the copyright holder before using any lyrics in a public setting, such as in a song, book, or blog post.

Is it OK to print the lyrics in Over the Rainbow in a newsletter?

Probably not as the lyrics will be copyrighted. You will need the permission of the copyright owner and may have to pay a royalty.

Can you take lyrics from a song and put it on a shirt then sell the shirt?

Song lyrics are copyrighted. Unless one gets legal permission, license agreement, then it is copyright infringement. You cannot sell those tees until you get permission from the copyright owner.

Lyrics to america the beautiful?


Am I allowed to quote song lyrics in my novel?

You may quote a snippet of the lyrics in the novel. But you may not write the whole song in the book without permission from the copyright holder.

Is permission needed to record and use music and lyrics that you have bought on CD?

Yes, you need permission. You bought the right to listen to the music, not take it and use it for your own profit and work.

What are the lyrics of Star spangled man in the movie Captain America?

you should try on youtube! type in 'Captain America' then what the song is called and write lyrics on the end.

In the little drummer boy who gave him permission to play the drums?

The only indication of permission being given in the lyrics is that he asked "Shall I play for you?" and Mary nodded.

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