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Q: Who stated to play the bagpipes first?
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Who was the first to play hockey?

Scotland bagpipes

Which character from Canterbury Tales liked to play the bagpipes?

The Red-haired Miller likes to play the bagpipes

What is pibroch?

A pibroch is a set of bagpipes, and it will also help you to play the bagpipes. It is also to help you play the bagpipe, it is quicker and much easier. Answer. Pibroch is a form of music for Scottish bagpipes, consisting of a theme and variations.

When was bagpipes first used?

Many if not most cultures around the world have had a form of bagpipes in their cultural history, as such its hard to pin down where or when the first set came from, but the earliest evidence of bagpipes is from about 1000BC.

What is the tradition of Scotland in play?

Golf, kilts and bagpipes :D

When was the first bagpipes made?

Many if not most cultures around the world have had a form of bagpipes in their cultural history, as such its hard to pin down where and when the first set came from, but the earliest evidence of bagpipes is from about 1000BC from the now Middle East.

What song do they constantly play in the streets of Edinburgh on bagpipes?

Scotland the brave

What type of bagpipes does scruffy Wallace from the dropkick murphys play?


When did they typically play the English bagpipes?

they used them for war and lots of memorials

What instrument was Ross going to play at Monica and Chandler's wedding?

the bagpipes

When was the bagpipes developed?

Many if not most cultures around the world have had a form of bagpipes in their cultural history, as such its hard to pin down where or when the first set came from, but the earliest evidence of bagpipes is from about 1000BC.

When were the bagpipes developed?

Many if not most cultures around the world have had a form of bagpipes in their cultural history, as such its hard to pin down where and when the first set came from, but the earliest evidence of bagpipes is from about 1000BC.