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Franz Liszt. After attending a concert in 1831, Liszt set out to match and even outdo Paganini's virtuosity.

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Q: Who was the composer that become a technical wizard at the keyboard after hearing paganini playing the violin?
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Which composer decided to become a technical wizard at the keyboard after hearing paganini playing the violin?

Franz Liszt. After attending a concert in 1831, Liszt set out to match and even outdo Paganini's virtuosity.

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Technical noise is also considered physical noise. Physical noise is anything that prevents you from hearing something such as adult noises,White noise and background noises are technical noise.

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yes the musical composer batovin did have a wife. i believe her name was martha. she helped him out a lot considering he had impaired hearing and did not have good vision

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It doesn't take that long to get a bond hearing depending on where you live. If you are in a busy area, it could be a couple weeks.

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A hearing impaired phone, also known as a TTY (teletypewriter) or TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), is a specialized phone that allows individuals with hearing loss to communicate via text messages instead of voice calls. These devices are equipped with a keyboard and display screen to facilitate written conversations.

How many minutes are safe for listen to a sound that is 100 db?

Since it's a matter of *your* hearing, I suggest you go to a medical/technical website, or ask an expert.Simple rule?If your ears are still ringing/sounds are indistinct next day?Hearing damage.Deafness can be forever.