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She uses all that anger and hate to create somthing good like some other ppl like maroon 5

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Q: Why Taylor Swift write hate songs?
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Who are the people in Taylor Swift's songs?

mostly her ex boyfriends YES! That is another reason to HATE Taylor Swift!! Basically ALL her music is about how horrible or 'great' her bf's are!

How does Taylor Swift feel about gay people?

Taylor Swift doesn't hate gays. She doesn't hate anyone.

Does Taylor Swift hate rats?

no she just hate you

What are good hate songs for someone you never cared for?

Better Then Revenge-Taylor Swift You seem like a very hateful person.(:

Does Taylor Swift hate the Jonas Brothers?

Well I think they fell good about Taylor Swift!!!!!

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They Are Bestfriends

Does Taylor swift hate Jews?

No she doesnt

What person does Taylor Swift hate?

jordan bushaw

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she hates you

Does Taylor D. Lautner like Taylor Swift?

no they actually hate each other.

Is Taylor Swift Australian or American?

Taylor Swift is both Australian and American because her mom is Australian and her father is American. I hate Taylor Swift (not)