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Because girls are ALWAYS in competition with each other unless she's a tomboy and doesn't care how she looks like. If you're a girl asking this and you're self-conscious, you should say like "so what, if they don't like me because of my appearance, it's their shallow heart problem they have, not me!" so it's ok! Everyone's beautiful in a unique way. Girls are usually taught to wear make up, shop, etc etc...I'm a tomboy though. I can't really care less of what other people think about me. I have a lot of acne, but you always have to see the positive the good things that you have. Only the inside is what counts, don't let anyone tell you the opposite. And if your a guy...well, that's how life is dude. Let's face it, girls ARE complicated. If you have a self-conscious girlfriend then tell her she's beautiful EVERY DAY. Trust me. She'll appreciate it. A lot.


I'm sure theres a different reason for different people, but i know at one point i was and it was basically because i was bullied. Well, not so much bullied but .. teased & called names on how i looked & my weight. I became very insecure and lost a lot of weight very fast in a short period of time. However, i couldn't exactly change how i looked. I'm now over it & couldn't care less, but for a long time i was very, very insecure basically because of what other people thought of me. Hope that helped (:


Her answer is good. But my personal one is that it's because us as girls (idk if you're a girl asking why you're self conscious or if you're a guy wondering why his girl is self concious) but anyways, us as girls want to feel beautiful. Most of the time we don't feel so beautiful though because other people tell us we're not (not really tell us, but tease us or sometimes *like me* I look at how beautiful I think all my friends are and it depresses me because i don't feel beautiful like them, or I think they are so much prettier than me.) and I just don't think Im beautiful because when I look in the mirror all I see is my imperfections. The little ones that bother me but no one else sees probly. If you're a girl wanting a fix, find all the good points about yourself and remind you of that everyday :) Say five good things about every bad thing (ex. "I have bad acne" then say "but im working on fixing that, I have an amazing personality tho, gorgeous eyes, a wonderful life, im not an orphan, and tons of people love me"). On the other hand if you're a dude and ur girl is self consious fix it by telling her everyday how beautiful she is and what you love about her :)

A reason for a lot of girls is that most things in a girls life are beyond her control, and since her appearance isn't, she wants to make it the best she can.

I've noticed it's a few things, mainly that it's expected. If a girl ever says or recognizes that she thinks she's attractive she's considered stuck up. Some girls are just begging for attention (ex. "I'm so fat" "what are you talking about, your' gorgeous!").

The main reason, i think, is guys. im not saying all guys are like this, but i have some guy friends who are really picky when it comes to girls. one of them asked me if it was bad if they didnt like a girl because of how she looked. the girl he was referring to was pretty, smart and funny, on top of that she was really skinny. so i think a lot of it is the pressure from guys

Well theres just alot of stuff out there to compete over and that people make a big deal out of, I mean theres money, designer brands, relationship status ect the list just goes on and on. Girls hav to worry about everything because lets face the facts, people will only take beautiful people seriously, no matter how stupid they are. Its the truth... These days only appearance matters. And yes girls may also try to impress boys as well. However the bottom line is that us girls have to worry about everything all the time,

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