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Q: Why are swift fox so important to the ecosystem?
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How does the swift fox fur halp it to survive?

its so ready it gets its own food by its self

Why is an ecosystem so important?

Because it is the world you live in so you should take care of the ecosystem and recycle.

What are people doing to help the swift fox?

they are finding them shelter so they can live and learn how to hunt

What does the swift fox eat?

The swift fox is an omnivore. They eat rabbits, prairie dogs, ground squirrels, mice, birds, reptiles, amphibians, berries, and seeds.

Why are krill important to the antarctic ecosystem?

so whales can eat them

What is the difference between a kit fox and a swift fox?

The swift fox, native to the Great Plains of southern Canada and the norther US and also called a kit fox, is classified as Vulpes velox. The long-eared kit fox, which lives in arid regions of the southwestern US and northern Mexico, is classified as Vulpes macrotis. This goes along with what was said above but where they live. My favorite animal, the kit fox lives in warm places because of it's large ears so it can easily stay cool, the swift fox can live in cooler places.

What is the sun to an ecosystem?

the sun is the root of all life of earth so it's the most important element of an ecosystem

What is the swift fox taxonomy?

The swift fox has 2 coats of fur. In the winter, the swift fox grows whiter fur to camouflage in the snow covered ground so that they aren't too visible for its predators. During the warmer days when there isn't any snow, they shed their white fur, and grow browner fur which can blend in with crops around them.

Could a swift fox mate with an Arctic fox?

If their in the same genus, both being foxes, I don't believe there is any restriction causing them to be unable to mate. So, yes. You may get a cross-breed fox, but yes you can! :)

Why keystone species are so important to ecosystem function?

The keystone species is critical to maintaining the stability of an ecosystem, and changes in its population indicate changes in ecosystem health.

Why are pioneer species so important for primary succession?

Because then there is life in the ecosystem

The nonliving parts of an ecosystem are important because they often?

They are so important because they can tell what organisms live/survive there...