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Well he didn't go to lessons

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Q: Why did Justin bieber take singing lessons?
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Did Justin Bieber take singing lessons before he was famous?

no, he started singing by listening to his moms Boys II Men albums =D

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What classes did Justin Bieber take when he as yonger?

singing classes

Can an 11 year old girl have a music career like justin bieber?

It is possible, but difficult. There are people older out their with more experience, and more lessons. Take some singing, or dancing lessons, and DREAM ON!(:

Did Justin Bieber have drum lessons?

Yes, he did. Unfortunately not a lot of people know this. I live in Stratford and I take lessons from the same drum teacher he did. He has Justin Bieber's little league baseball card and records of Justin Beibers attendance for 3 YEARS. It is a lie to say he is self taught and it is unfair to the person who taught him because he gets no credit. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I AM NOT TROLLING. Little known fact: When Justin Bieber had to go to soccer practice his mom would take Justin's drum lesson instead.

Did Justin Bieber take swimming lessons?

No, but he learned how to swim at age 5.

Does Justin Bieber know about Gippy Grewal?

Nope, but tweet beiber to take lessons from gippy.

Where can you take a Justin Bieber test?

search on Google Justin bieber quizzes or go on quizilla and search Justin bieber quizzes

Did Carrieuderwood take singing lessons?

Yes, before a singer can become know they normally have singing lessons before.

How do you start singing like Miley Cyrus?

take singing lessons

How do you take a test about Justin Bieber and win to go see him?

you go on internet and type in take a free Justin bieber test to win free Justin bieber tickets

Can you take a test of Justin Bieber?

Just go to Justin bieber test or quiz