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Q: Why did demi got bullied?
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How was demi bullied?

Demi Lovato was bullied physically and verbally

What grades did Demi Lovato get?

demi lovato got low bad grades because she coudn't focus because she got bullied at school so she got home schooled and Selena Gomez did too

Has Demi Lovato ever been to public school?

Yes she did.That was until she got bullied & started homeschooling.

What age was demi lovato bullied?

if you really want to know go to Demi Lovato was bullied in Grade 7

Did demi cry when she was bullied?


What kind of things did Demi Lovato do to herself when she got bullied and what names did she get called?

a fat ugly girl and I hope you due

Why was demi bullied?

she was bullied when she was 13,i don't know why :( the girls were probably jealous of her talent or something like that. Yeah totally :( poor demi

Why did demi have an eating disorder?

Demi had an eating disorder because she was bullied and depressed.

What happened to Demi Lovato in seventh grade?

In 7th Grade Demi Lovato got "bullied" in school and was eventually homeschooled by her mom. Some sorces say that this is one of the reason's she is in rehab.

Which celebrities were bullied and what did they quote?

demi lavato

What famous persons have been bullied?

Demi Lavoto, Was bullied cause of her weight problem.

Is Demi Lovatos sister being bullied?

No Her Sisters are not being bullied if you hear that it is just a rumor!