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Dolly was born on 5 July 1996 to three mothers (one provided the egg, another the DNA and a third carried the cloned embryo to term).

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Q: Why did dolly didn't have any kids?
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Did Reba play in any movies with Dolly Parton?

No, but Dolly did make a guest appearance on Reba's television show as Dolly Majors.

What do Dolly Parton's nieces and nephews call her?

While most simply call her Aunt Dolly, there is a twist. When Dolly and her husband got their large house in Nashville, five of Dolly's younger siblings moved in with them. When those siblings had kids, everyone came up with the idea that they would call Dolly 'Aunt Granny' and her husband 'Uncle Peepaw', as they felt they were more like grandparents.

Did Dolly Parton have children?

Dolly has been quoted saying, "wasn't meant to be". She explained that “since I had no kids and my husband was pretty independent,” she was allowed to have the “freedom” to achieve her dreams as a country star. “So I think a big part of my whole success is the fact that I was free to work.” Here’s a look at a few reasons Parton never had kids: She believes having children would have changed the trajectory of her career. Parton suffered from endometriosis. She considers herself a mother to everyone. She feels called to help other children. She loves her relationship exactly how it is. Despite being married since 1966, Dolly Parton and her husband Carl Dean do not have children, for various reasons. She has opened up on this a few times in interviews, and it seems there have been health and professional issues preventing the couple from having their own kids.

How many kids does Stevie wonder have?

Stevie Wonder has 9 children

Where is the nude photo of Dolly Parton to be found on this magazine?

Dolly Parton had not posed nude in any source that can be found. There are pictures of Dolly in under clothing a number of times and worn sexy clothing in a number of TV scenes.

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