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The reason for why boys like football is different for everyone - as it is an individual opinion or reasoning.

Some may like it for one or more of these reasons -

  • To impress other people
  • To impress girls
  • To have more "popularity" within their school or social group.
  • They have a personal interest
  • They need or want the physical exercise
  • They enjoy the competitive atmosphere
  • They enjoy team setting
  • To have a close bond with others their age
  • To make friends or a second "Family"
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Q: Why do boys like football?
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Why do boys like sports?

Boys like sports because it is a competitive way to show off. How manly they are without fighting.And it is also a way to be agresiv with out giting into trouble by a adult.

Why Do Most Boys Like Football?

They think it makes them look tough, but I personaly like skateboarding, check out my channel, Jordon0008 on youtube!

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