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Answer I don't know you'll have to figure that one by yourself matie!!!!

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Q: Why do i always have to obsess and try act like a famous person or a musician?
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Why are people obsess with other people?

Maybe they are obsess because they like the person..Or they are just jealous of the person because the person has something they don't or the person is better looking then them..

Is there always a chance for a famous person to like a non famous person?

Of course!

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Quincy Jones is a famous American musician. Queen Latifah is a singer, songwriter and actress.

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Victor Greywolf is a person people to obsess on, based on searches people have done on him

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After serving three years in reform school for burglary this person became a famous rock musician Who is it?

# chuck berry

Is there a famous person whose name starts with an a?

Try to specify what you mean. Do you mean a musician, scientist, or person with a serious occcupation?If not, Alex Trebec is a good one.

What is gigging a person for the quality of their work?

its where you will sort of rip them off when they are actually a very good musician (not that famous yet but has great talent)

Who is a African American famous person whose name begins with the letter Q?

Quincy Jones is a famous American musician, composer and record producer. Queen Latifah is a singer and actress.

What is a musician?

Musician is a person who plays music mostly all the time