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Q: Why do parents say much of today's rock music is discordant?
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Many adults say much of todays music is discordant?

e think that rock music is out of harmony or sounds bad

Why do many adults say much of todays music is discordant?

their generation of music is different than ours; we grew up listening to different music types.

Why many adults say much of todays rock music is discordant?

their generation of music is different than ours; we grew up listening to different music types.

Why adults say much of today's rock music is discordant?

because has cuss words in it

Why do many adults say much of today's rock music discordant.?

because has cuss words in it

How many adults say much rock music is discordant?

because they grew up with other bands

Why do most adults say that today's rock music is discordant?

I beilevie that most adults think today's rock music is discordant because they don't give it a chance or they don't get how much heart and soul goes into it because it's loud and vengeful

Many adults say much today's rock music is discordant explain?

Many adults say today's Rock Music is discordant. This is due to the fact that rock gets louder and more raucous as the years go by. Thus, to older generations, the new music is basically incomprehensible, and way too loud.

Many adults say much of today's rock music is discordant. explain?

Many adults say today's Rock Music is discordant. This is due to the fact that rock gets louder and more raucous as the years go by. Thus, to older generations, the new music is basically incomprehensible, and way too loud.

Why do many adults say much of today's rock music is discordant?

their generation of music is different than ours; we grew up listening to different music types.

Why do adults say much of today's rock music is discordant?

because has cuss words in it

Many adults say much of todays rock music is discordant.explain?

because it has swear words ans is a bad influance