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== == * People are social creatures, mainly because we cannot do everything for ourselves. We all depend on someone for something. Do you grow all of your own food? Do you provide your own entertainment? Do you make all of your own cloths? Did you build your own home? If you're like most of us the answer will be "no" to the above questions. So how do we get people to provide some of those necessities for us? Money is only part of the answer. If you throw money at someone and demand that they do something, sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't. Also, you may need a lot more money to get what you want if you're a "jerk" about it. Courtesy is essential in society. Yes, I can contract with someone to build a house for me, and if I throw enough money at it I can be a jerk and very demanding as the house is built. I can go in every day, yell at the contractors, inspect every stage of the construction and I MIGHT get a good job when I'm done. On the other hand, if I am courteous and respectful of the General Contractor, HE will do those things for me and hopefully he will be courteous and respectful of the subcontractors and laborers so that they'll be more likely to do a good job. What others think of you is relevant to how much they'll respect you. You don't want others thinking you're a dirt bag, because then they'll treat you like a dirt bag. In general, someone who is respected is far more successful in life and has far fewer problems. == == * It's a good tool when we are kept on our toes to remind us of what other people think of us. We learn something (good/bad) from every person we come in touch with throughout our lives. We can learn from them (hopefully good things) and they learn from us. If the person is bad to the bone then we sure know what we don't want. When I deal in business or in friendships I am always courteous and pleasant, but if I feel someone is taking advantage of me or jerking my chain then I'm very stern and to the point, but never raise my voice. In other words that person has forced me to speak in the language they can only understand. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!

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Q: Why do people care what others think?
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It is human nature to care and to look after one another. others will think of you because they care about you and you have some meaning to them in life.

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Though it is important to be our own person and to do things for ourselves regardless of the people think we need to have a balance. IF we donÕt care what people think then we can be rude and insensitive, there is a balance between doing what is right for you despite others opinions and not caring so much is people we are offensive and mean.

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How would we like it if no one cared for us? Some just are more concerned for others than most people. Think--people kill other people. Some would be horrified given the choice to actually take another's life from them. Then again, you wouldn't care for someone who is disrespectful to you, would you? People have their reasons for caring for others.

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Because if you were to be in need you would want people to care for you. Do unto others as you would like others to do for you.

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