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Because they think it's cruel to animals.

In other words, they are wolfaboos.

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Q: Why do people hate hunting?
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Why do some people hate hunting?

Its not the actual hunting part. I mean how else are you going to get your ham or chicken patty? People just hate the fact that so many people are hunting for no reason and just for sport. The animal deserves a life not just to be killed for fun.

Does male lions hate hunting?

I saw video of that lion with a wildebeest/deer in india ; he didn't want eat it, he just want to befriend & protect it. So I think male lions do hate hunting.

Do people hate people?

Yes, unfortunately. People do hate people.

How safe is hunting?

Hunting is as safe as the people doing the hunting

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a victim of hate is a person who suffers from people who hate on people for no reason

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As sad as it sounds, yes people are hunting dolphins.

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It seems like Cambodian people hate vietnamese people but vietnamese people don't hate cambodian people

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People who hate JLS are sad and have no lives.

How many people hate

A lot of people hate

How many people hate

Not that many people hate it. But a lot of people do not use it.

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what or who people hate is an individual choice.