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Radio allows you to use your imagination more than television does. TV gives you audio and visual; radio giving you only the audio allows your mind to create the visual.

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Evan Stamurgatroyd

Lvl 8
4y ago
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11y ago

-- Radio receivers cost less and are less complex than TV receivers.

-- Television is difficult to enjoy while jogging or driving.

-- The scenery is better, the villains are scarier, and the heroines are

far more alluring, on radio.

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11y ago
Well, first of all, your hypothesis is a matter of opinion that's not shared by
everybody. If everyone agreed that radio is better than TV, then advertisers
would not buy commercial time on TV, and TV wouldn't exist.

TV has advantages over radio for many people, and even for the same people
at different times.

At the times, and for the people, where radio is better than TV, here are a few of
its advantages:

-- Radio is more portable than TV. You can carry either one with you, but the radio
in your pocket is smaller and cheaper.

-- Radio is easier to use when you're moving. TV is very hard to watch when you're
driving, biking, or jogging.

-- Radio is better for drama (stories). The sad stories are sadder, the happy stories
are happier, the scary stories are scarier, the women are prettier, and the children
are cuter on radio than they are on TV. I think Stan Freberg was the first to
clearly explain why this happens. It's because you make up the pictures that go
with radio stories. They come from your own mind, and you use the ones that are
saddest, happiest, scariest, prettiest, or cutest to you. No TV scenery-designer
or director could do that for you.
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13y ago

Because the people who watch the morning local news on TV to get

the traffic and weather while they drive to work are a dying breed.

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